The duties and responsibilities of a County auditor can vary from State to State and County to County, but in general a County Auditor is responsible for the financial oversight of the County´s finances, and the preparation of fiscal reports summarizing this information. For obvious reasons, most County Auditors are Certified Public Accounts.
Especially in larger Counties the Auditors job can be quite substantial. As the chief fiscal officer, he/she has to provide a detailed accounting of where the Counties revenues come from and where they are distributed throughout the various agencies.
The office of the County Auditor is an integral part of the system of checks and balances any government entity should have in place.
Real Estate related tasks are also some of the most common types of activities performed at the County Auditor level. Property appraisals and assessments are carried out here in order to determine property tax values. It is important to have this information readily available in order for property owners and potential owners to know what their tax liabilities will be. The Auditors office can help you locate this information and other public records. Increasingly many Auditors offices are providing a search feature on their websites which will allow people to find many public records online.
Also the issuing of vendor licenses is commonly the responsibility of this office. Depending on the size of the County, this could amount to many many thousands of business licenses.
If you require information in any of these areas, start with your County Auditors office. Check out their website and if need be, visit or call the office. They are employed by you so by all means take advantage of their services.