Disclosure policy

The Federal Trade Commission requires that we disclose any relationship we have between a product manufacturer, creator or service provider when we write about and link to a product or service.
We operate under these guidelines in the operation of this website:
* This site never paid to write about a company, product or service, or to write a review. We never accept money to review a product or service. We invest our own time to review or research products. Where we have used the product or service first hand, we pay directly from our own funds unless otherwise stated within the post.
* If we create a link to a product in a post or a review, we may or may not get paid a commission if you purchase the product or service. However, we will never recommend something that we don’t personally believe in and we always welcome your questions and feedback.
* Generally speaking, but not always, purchasing a product or service from one of the Banner advertisements on any of the various pages may result in a commission being paid to the owners of this site or an advertiser to this site.
We think these are sound guidelines and practices in the digital world of today. It is important and relevant for you the consumer to understand the relationship between a person promoting a product or service and the manufacturer, creator or service provider.
Even if an author promotes or recommends only products or services they truly believe in, it is important for you the consumer to know the relationship of that person with the manufacturer or provider, in order to make an informed decision based on the facts.
If you don’t see a disclosure policy as part of a review or promotion of a product, that person may be violating the law or at the very least the Code of Ethics.