Josiah V
Says she does not have at hand the exact date of Rev Isham Randolphs [sic] Finley's first marriage died about 4 yrs ago near the age of 84 or 85 yrs. Henry Clay died some 6 yrs ago near Spokane She thinks that was when the license was issued & says they were married Dec 1, 1789. … View This Document
ProQuest – Factiva | Title List (XLS)
Auditor's report 3 times a year AAUS Taxation in Australia (Abstracts) 0494-8343 American City & County 0149-337X AMCEPN AmCham Egypt Project News AMCETA AmCham Egypt Tenders Alert Service (TAS) … Retrieve Doc
From the Spokane County line up to Blueslide, and is auditor/recorder; treasurer; assessor; first district court; magistrate court; prepares the county commissioners’ meeting agendas; issues marriage and liquor licenses; Out-Of-State changing over to an Idaho license … Read Document
Margaret Mitchell Keeney 1843-1896 Jonathan Keeney 1826-189?
In the Book "Marriage Records Lane County Oregon 1852-1869 Compiled by Oregon Pioneer undersigned a Minister of the Gospel by authority of a license bearing date the 26th day of July A.D. 1887, and issued by the auditor of the county of address 514 West 6th , Apt 3, Spokane, Wa paid for the funeral … Doc Retrieval
Payroll warrants are issued by the Grant County Auditor for distribution by the RSN Office Manager on the last working day the month of the pay period. RSN does not discriminate for contracting and reimbursement of any licensed or certified agency or individual solely on the basis of that license … Retrieve Full Source
Civil Procedure
Prior to their marriage, they were graduate students at Louisiana State University. Facts: The Bank of the United States brought suit in federal court to enjoin the state auditor Facts: The suit was brought by a citizen of Washington against several officers of Spokane County and … Read More
Josiah V
He was a farmer & after his marriage & abt 1856 he moved to Wayne Co Pa & settled on a farm 12 miles N.E. of Honesdale in Ashland Tp he thinks. Both living at Adel Iowa where he is county Auditor of Dallas Co Iowa & have 5 chil … Get Content Here
Amy Smith
1/97 – Present Administrative Services Officer IV Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Whitehead Co., Atlanta, GA Auditor Credentials Medical License, State of Virginia, 1988 Member, National Board of Ophthalmology … Retrieve Doc
ProQuest – Factiva | Title List (.xls)
Ventura County Star VERDAD La Verdad (Spanish Language) The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Wash.) SPRY Spray Technology & Marketing (Abstracts) Marriage & Family Review (Abstracts) 0149-4929 PMIN … Document Retrieval
MARRIAGE IN COLONIAL NEW MEXICO: THE RODRIGUEZ SAGA. SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SPANISH NEW MEXICO Coahuila and Texas, and, by taking advantage of every homestead and headright provision, acquired vast holdings that reached from Jefferson County on … Access This Document
Finding Aids And Microfilm Available From The Washington …
Shows name and date of license, arranged alphabetically by name of applicant. Registers or returns of births and deaths as recorded by each county auditor prior to 1907, when (if different), date of marriage, city, county and certificate number. … Fetch Document
While study after study supports the proposition that marriage is good for people and divorce bad The obligations concomitant with a license to practice law trump obligations concomitant with a Wn.2d 1027 (Div. 2 1990) sheds little light on this issue since the representation of the county auditor … Read Content
(county recorders instructed not to accept "affidavit of refusal to accept post" for filing state citizen of Texas" and thereby nullify his birth certificate, school records, marriage license, Soc ND IL unpub 9/25/98); ditto (explicitly referring to bogus liens against a former IRS auditor) US … Access Content
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Includes both independent school districts and those that are a dependent segment of a local government, such as a city or county. Also includes agencies that do not operate schools (non-ops) but have primary responsibility to provide free public elementary and/or secondary education to school-age … Fetch Content
Report 1
LGD County Public Health Funding : EB2: 126: Com., Trade & Economic Develop Driver License Suspensions and Reinstatements, and Maintenance of Driver Records Office of State Auditor: Audits of Local Government … Retrieve Here
Received: From By Wwcst269 For [ …
Daughters:Julianna C. Cole of Spokane, Wash. , Margaret B. (can't read Would you like copies of marriage license for Henry Willis, Marriage I hope someone can help me find the date of marriage for George B. Sergent. to Florence Rice Bellew in Carter County between 1925-1935. … Retrieve Here
Sinclair Lewis, Main Street
But the advocate of freedom in marriage was as much disappointed as a drooping bride at the alacrity And since not Gopher Prairie but Wakamin was the county-seat, there was no court-house with its her sympathy came out in spurts; she sat on the edge of a chair in eagerness to be near her auditor … View Full Source
Free Exercise And Establishment As Complements And Contradicts
Baseline – marriage to only one person is part of the baseline of religious protection in this home (Pacifica) or the degree of captivity makes it impractical for the unwilling view or auditor Spokane Arcades – the statute must be incapable of being narrowed. … Fetch Content